Italy - Greece
At a glance! In 1 minute!
Compare ferry prices between all ferry companies for all routes from Italy to Greece, whether you are traveling from Bari, Ancona, Brindisi or Venice to Igoumenitsa, Corfu or Patras.
At a glance, without wasting time studying dozens of different websites and brochures, we offer you the possibility of finding
the exact cost of your tickets, for you and your family, with the ferries of all ferry companies that operate the route you want on the day you want.
Instant information!
Which ferry companies operate the route you want to travel on?
What is the price difference from one ferry company to the other?
What discounts and package offers does each ferry company have?
It compares prices, informs you about special offers, includes the discounts you are entitled to and gives
you the FINAL COST
Select your travel dates, select a ferry company, select the cost of your booking and send us a RESERVATION REQUEST.
We will confirm the cost of your tickets, reserve the places for you and either send the tickets to your home address or arrange for you to collect them from the port office on the day
of departure with your reservation code number!